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11 February 2009

Art and Craft - P.S.K.D Mandiri

Close Date : 25 February 2009
PSKD Mandiri, a National Plus School providing student-centered education from Early Childhood through to Grade 12 acknowledges National Curriculum guidelines and focuses on developing a global curriculum. English and Indonesian are developed across the curriculum.

Due to rapid expansion, the following teaching positions need to be filled:

Art and Craft

* Bachelor of Education in relevant subject is essential.
* A qualification in education is essential.
* Good spoken and written English.
* Commitment to learning and professional growth is essential.
* Good interpersonal and communication skills.
* Computer literacy.
* A flexible and dynamic personality.
* Working experience minimum 2 years.

A letter of Application and Curriculum Vitae (CV) together with evidence of qualifications, photograph, copy of identity card should be sent to the address below, and note the position code on the top left of the envelope within 14 days after the placement of this advertisement.

P.S.K.D Mandiri
Jl. Dr. GSSY Ratulangi No. 5,
Menteng – Jakarta 10310
PO BOX 6013 MT 10310 or


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